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Workshops, Masterclasses, & Lectures

College Two-Day Vocal Bootcamp

Intensive (in-person recommended-contact for pricing)


These are customized from topics below to create a live intensive combining lectures, workshops, masterclasses, and one-on-one sessions. Many of the topics below can be incorporated and tailored to the needs of your institution. Contact me for pricing for all workshops and intensives.


Vocal Wellness and Fitness (live or virtual)- This lecture covers many important aspects of general vocal health with specific reference to singers. This can be tailored to cover specific topics within this broad category:

  • Common causes of vocal pathologies

  • Phonotrauma and its impact on voice production-How to minimize/avoid

  • Voice therapy

  • How to manage an upper respiratory tract infection when sick

  • Avoiding vocal injury

  • Herbal supplements and commonly used singer remedies

  • Wound healing & vocal fold injury

  • Undergoing general anesthesia requiring intubation

  • Reflux, asthma, allergies, and voice


Belting (live or virtual)- This topic can be created as a lecture/workshop/masterclass format covering various aspects of belting:

  • Biomechanics of this style of singing (registration, acoustics).

  • Science and research on the physiology and acoustics of belting

  • Belting 101- An introductory masterclass for participants who specialize in more classically based genres.

  • Advanced Belting

  • Science and Physiology behind vocal registers (laryngeal and acoustic) 


Audio and video are used to illustrated concepts. This can be an interactive workshop with group participation or as a more traditional masterclass. In-person is the preferred format for this topic.

See separate tab for "Training Baby Belters and Beyond"


Exercise Physiology for Optimal Vocal Training (live or virtual)- Kinesiology and athletic principals are introduced with reference to training multiple vocal styles in including classical and CCM. Voice fatigue prevention and vocal cool down topics are also covered. This can be in a lecture/masterclass format with demonstration from participant volunteers.


Basic application of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises for Training the Vocal Athlete (live or virtual)- This lecture/workshop introduces some of the common semi-occluded vocal tract techniques and the science and physiology behind it. Participants will learn basic variations of these exercises with extensive hands-on participation. Application in the voice studio will be demonstrated with participants. There is also a 3-part extended series the encompasses a broader depth of information inducing how to use SOVT’s to minimize risk for vocal injury and fatigue in addition to more advanced application for belting and mix. Before and after videos are provided to demonstrate effectiveness of SOVT’s. This class is similar to Class 1 in The Ultimate SOVT (For comprehensive 3-class series-see below)


Application of Motor Learning Principals in the Voice Studio (live or virtual)- This lecture introduces the principles of motor learning and how these concepts can be implemented during voice training to optimize learning and retention. There are common traps teachers often fall into which can hinder vocal learning and retention of voice skills. This lecture highlights these traps providing alternative teaching techniques which optimize your teaching effectiveness.


Manual Techniques for Singers (live or virtual)- This workshop will introduce the basics of manual intervention and myofascial techniques for teachers and singers. Self-guided manual release for neck shoulders and laryngeal area can be covered.


Executive Presentation Coaching & Workshops (virtual or live)- This can be done as a one-on-one (see separate description) or in larger groups. Executive presentation coaching is for non-singers/performers who have public speaking demands or executive speaking engagements. There are numerous ways consultations can be tailored to your needs. Contact me for pricing tiers:

  • Executive presentation preparation and organization

  • Executive presentation techniques

  • Ted Talk preparation

  • Keynote addresses and speeches

  • Vocal confidence when leading meetings

  • Audio book preparation


The Ultimate SOVT Training Series (live or virtual).


This 7-hour series is designed to provide an in-depth, approachable, and easy to understand overview of the scientific principles of SOVT exercises and exactly how to use them to maximize your voice training. There is a lot more to semi occluded vocal tract exercises than simply humming or singing through a straw. For SOVTE’s to be truly effective, they must be executed in a specific way, and this is often the missing component for many who have not found SOVT’s to be useful. Additionally, the way they are taught makes a difference in how motor learning is integrated for carry over into singing.


This class is sometimes offered by me (check website for updates) and can also be tailored for your institution. This extended series was designed to guide each participant through a sequence of instruction and exercises. The goal is to provide every participant with a solid foundation of the scientific principles behind SOVT’s and highlight how and when they should be used to maximize singing and speaking. Each class includes a significant interactive component ensuring that each participant will leave the course understanding how to correctly execute and teach numerous variations of SOVT exercises. Additionally, they will understand the therapeutic value of SOVT’s and how to use them to promote vocal health.


The full series will end with an intensive course on applying SOVT’s to speaking technique and a variety of singing styles, ranging from classical to CCM. For all three classes, extensive time is spent teaching a wide variety of these exercises with ample time for group practice and some 1:1 observation. At the end of this series, participants will have a thorough understanding of how to do SOVT’s and just as importantly, how to use them in your studio.


Class 1- The Nuts & Bolts of SOVT’s: What, When and Why?


This course is open to anyone of ANY singing or teaching level

Limited space to ensure adequate time for the interactive portion of the course. This is similar to the Basic application class listed above.

Materials- straws, cup/pencil


This two-hour* live course is an introduction to everything a voice teacher and/or singer should know about semi occluded vocal tract exercises and why they are so great for voice training. By the end of this class, you will know what SOVT’s are and how they work, why you should use them as a teaching tool, and when you should use them to optimize your voice training. This class is designed to give an introductory and easy-to-understand overview of the science and physiology behind SOVT’s and to demonstrate why they are so effective for training voices. This course is presented as a hybrid lecture/masterclass with opportunity for 1:1 interaction. Participants will engage in active discussion about applying SOVT’s to their own voice in addition to an interactive “how to” section where participants will correctly execute SOVT exercises. Some of the most common SOVT variations, including straw phonation, will be introduced, giving each participant an opportunity for small group practice. Each participant will have access to written materials highlighting key concepts and instructions. This class will be recorded, and you will have access to review for a period of time.


Class 2- Using SOVT’s in Your Voice Studio: Vocal Health and Injury Prevention


This course is open to those who have competed class 1 or who already use SOVTE’s and have a solid understanding of the basic principles behind them.

Limited space to ensure adequate time for the interactive portion of the course.

Materials- Straws, glass/16 oz bottle with 3 inches of water, balloon/rubber band


This two-and-a-half-hour* live course builds on class 1 with further exploration of how to use SOVT’s both in your voice studio and when training your own voice. Building on class 1, this class focuses on application of SOVT’s for general strengthening and coordination with specific emphasis on optimizing vocal health and recovery from vocal fatigue. Other important topics for maintaining vocal health and helping prevent vocal injury will also be discussed including how speech pathologists use these tools as part of a voice rehabilitation protocol. Several SOVT techniques will be taught in a large group setting with opportunity for some to have 1:1 interaction. Smaller breakout groups will be used for group practice. Each participant will have access to written handouts of key concepts and instructions. This class will be recorded, and you will have access to review for a period of time. Introductory content will not be reviewed in this course.


Class 3 – Advanced Application of SOVT’s for Singing Technique: Getting beyond the straw-

Limited space to ensure adequate time for the interactive portion of the course.

This course is designed for those who have completed class 2 to ensure continuity of information and group flow.


Materials- all listed above plus the silicone anesthesia mask (see below)


This live, two-and-a-half-hour* course is the culmination of the SOVT series placing significant emphasis on singing and teaching singing with specific guidance on how to use advanced SOVT techniques to train both classical and CCM singers.  SOVT techniques not reviewed in the earlier classes will be introduced This final course is the most interactive with 1:1 demonstration on class participants using these techniques in a mock “voice lesson.” Motor learning principles will be introduced and applied to demonstrate maximum effectiveness of SOVT’s. Participants will work with each other to further solidify confidence levels with how to both execute and teach these exercises in different vocal scenarios. Troubleshooting issues will also be discussed with problem solving strategies for some common issues you may encounter.  Video examples will also be used. This class will be recorded, and you will have access for a period. Class 2 is a required prerequisite for this class.


All three classes total approximately 7 contact hours total. Times can be tailored and adjusted.


A limited number of seats will be reserved for students who have financial need. Please contact me separately for details.


 *A note about the length of each class. It is important that students have adequate time for  Q & A and discussion. Given this, the length of each class is an estimate. While classes are not likely to be shorter than listed, they could be longer, therefore plan accordingly.

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