Your voice is dynamic. Its capabilities are boundless. You are a Vocal Athlete.
Meet Marci

Marci Rosenberg, MS CCC
Speech Pathologist
Clinical Singing Voice Specialist
Voice Trainer & Consultant
Marci is a singer, speech pathologist and clinical singing voice specialist. An active performer in her earlier years, Marci completed her degree in vocal performance at Peabody Conservatory before entering the field of Speech-Language Pathology. Specializing in the rehabilitation of injured voices, Marci has worked clinically for over 22 years at The University of Michigan Vocal Health Center, which was recently ranked nationally in the top 1% for patient satisfaction and care. Additionally, she serves as the on-site vocal health consultant to the Department of Musical Theatre at the University of Michigan. Marci teaches workshops and lectures nationally and internationally on a wide array of topics, including vocal fitness, the application of SOVTs to voice training, managing vocal injuries and rehabilitation in elite singers, the application of kinesiology
and motor learning principles to voice training, and healthy belting. Marci is the co-author of The Vocal Athlete and The Vocal Athlete- Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer, now in its 3rd Edition. She is a featured author in several voice pedagogy books and a collaborator on numerous research publications. Among the first cohort to receive the PAVA-RV distinction, Marci co-chairs the PAVA Standing Symposium Executive Committee and was recently re-elected as Vice President for the incoming Board of Directors. She is guest faculty at The New CCM Summer Pedagogy Institute at Shenandoah and was recently a featured voice expert on the award-winning Canadian science documentary program The Nature of Things - A User’s Guide to the Voice. In addition to her clinical practice, Marci maintains a private voice studio and consulting practice. Her varied clients include performers, executives, and teachers spanning the Boardroom, Broadway stage, Metropolitan Opera, and everything in between. https://www.marci-rosenberg.com/
Contact vocalathlete@gmail.com

My top priority is helping you access your best level of performance in a reproducible and sustainable way. My student-centered approach is science-informed, straightforward, and accessible.
For over 20 years, I have specialized in training and rehabilitating elite singers, actors, performers, professional speakers, and executives. My background as a trained singer, teacher, and licensed speech pathologist combined with specialty training in myofascial and manual therapeutic interventions allow me to tailor my services in a holistic manner. My work is individualized and client centered. As co-author of the top selling vocal pedagogy book The Vocal Athlete, now entering its 3rd edition, I have created and collaborated on numerous workshops, masterclasses and lectures covering all aspects of voice training, rehabilitation and injury prevention. See testimonials below.

Let's work together
Using motor learning and exercise physiology principles, we work together to empower you to practice efficiently and correctly so you can replicate the successes we have during our session. My ultimate goal is to teach you
how to teach yourself.
Customized voice training tailored to your goals
Click for category information

Voice, musical theatre, theatre students, and early career performers (1-3 yrs) contact me
for reduced pricing, which is available on a limited basis.
Co-author of top selling vocal pedagogy books
Click icons for links
3rd Editions are now available!
Featured Author
Featured Media
Voice & Singing Resources
These are resources and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult a medical voice-care team and/or physician.
Vocal Fold Responsiveness Log
in Rosenberg & LeBorgne, 2026
Evaluation of the Ability to
Sing Easily EASE- Phyland

Upcoming & Recent Events
Click on the event for links & details.
Annual Courses & Workshops
Summer Guest Faculty
Lectures, masterclasses, private teaching
Topics include belting, vocal health, motor learning, exercise physiology & and SOVTEs.
Click here for info and 2025 dates

14-hour graduate credit online course
Guest Faculty
Motor learning lecture, SOVT workshop, & private teaching. Click here for info and 2025 dates.
Constanza Roeder, Singer Songwriter
I met Marci Rosenberg at a Contemporary Commercial Music Summer Pedagogy Institute at Shenandoah University in the summer of 2015. My 20- minute lesson with her changed my life and set me on a course to find lasting vocal (and emotional) freedom. Her unique combination of intuition and experience as a singer, teacher, and speech-language pathologist allow her to do work that most teachers cannot do. No other voice teacher, speech-language pathologist, or much less a counselor had done anything like that for me before. Her training as a speech-language pathologist made me feel secure and her training as a singer and a voice teacher made me feel hopeful
that she could help me find
more freedom in my singing.
Dan Cooney,
Broadway Performer
I had had a longstanding career that encompasses Broadway and national tours. Having been out of practice vocally over the past several years, I found myself losing my middle range. Within my first 2 sessions with Marci, my voice was already stronger, and much more versatile. In the short time with Marci, I regained the confidence I needed to sing challenging roles. Over my long professional Broadway career, I have worked with many voice teachers and Marci ranks among the very best! Her approach is clear, concise and produced immediate results.
Dexter, MI
Laurie Greenberg
Executive Coach
Ann Arbor, MI
As an executive coach, and founder of Infinite Potential Coaching, I am often asked to do presentations for a variety of groups. While I am very comfortable working with individual clients, Marci has helped me overcome my fears of public speaking. She's helped me shape my ideas and concepts in an organized way. I never thought I would actually enjoy creating workshops and presentations. Her straightforward and simple approach makes planning and organizing presentations and workshops easy, approachable, and fun!
Zerrin Martin
Professional Classical Singer/Choral Conductor
Miami, FL
In the few coachings I have had with Marci, I have noticed a perceptible change in how I sing; I am singing more efficiently and I love how my voice sounds. As a professional singer and choral conductor, I am now hearing myself in a new light and it is positively impacting how I work with the voices in my choral ensembles. I am deeply grateful for Marci’s expertise, excellent teaching. She provided me the space and guidance to discover my true voice.
Jo Lee
Professional Actor/Singer
London, UK
I am a professional singer and actress in the United Kingdom and was fortunate enough to have a private consultation with Marci to discuss some concerns I had about my voice after a lengthy illness. Within one session, I came away feeling that I had a plan of action, a clear understanding of what my issues likely were, and most importantly the hope and belief that I would be able to resolve my technical problems and get my voice back to how it used to be. Not only is Marci and expert in her field, but she is also very personable and clearly loves what she does. I am very excited about the changes she has helped me make and
I recommend her wholeheartedly.
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I stand against discrimination, oppression, hate and intolerance of any kind.